Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Create the Ideal Study Space

How to Create the Ideal Study Space Your study space is critical to your ability to study effectively. This doesnt necessarily imply that you have to find a place thats completely silent and set it up as your study area, but it does mean you should find a place to study that fits your specific personality and learning style. Identifying Your Ideal Study Space Everyone has different study preferences. Some of us need a completely quiet room free from any audible distractions. Others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks. You will study most effectively if you make your study time special, like a ceremony. Assign yourself a specific place and regular time. Some students even give a name to their study space.It might sound crazy, but it works. By naming your study space, you generate more respect for your own space. It might just keep your little brother away from your things too! Creating Your Study Space Evaluate your personality and preferences. Discover whether or not you are vulnerable to noise and other distractions. Also determine if you work better by sitting quietly for a long period of time or if you need to take short breaks once in awhile and then return to your work.Identify the space and claim it. Your bedroom may be the best place to study, or it may not be. Some students associate their bedrooms with rest and simply cant concentrate there.A bedroom can also be problematic  if you share a room with a sibling. If you need a quiet place without distraction, it might be better for you to set up a place in the attic, basement, or garage, completely away from others.Make sure your study area is comfortable. It is very important to set up your computer and chair in a way that wont harm your hands, wrists and neck. Make sure you chair and monitor are the right height and lend themselves to a proper ergonomic position for hours of comfortable studying. Take care to avoid repet itive stress injury as this can lead to lifelong difficulties. Next, stock your study space with all the tools and supplies you’ll need, and make sure the space is comfortable in temperature. Establish study rules. Avoid unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings with your parents by establishing when and how you study.If you know that you are able to study effectively by taking breaks, just say so. You may want to create a homework contract. Communicate with your parents and explain the ways in which you study best and why its important for your to take breaks, listen to music, grab a snack, or make use of whatever method best enables effective studying.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critically assess the role of the UN in the protection of human rights Essay

Critically assess the role of the UN in the protection of human rights with regards to the AIDS epidemic in subsaharan Africa - Essay Example The CHR's request was based on the Secretary General's statement during the 51st session of the UN in which he stated: of the complex relationship between the public health rationale and the human rights rationale of HIV/AIDS. In particular, Governments could benefit from guidelines that outline clearly how human rights standards apply in the area of HIV/AIDS and indicate concrete and specific measures, both in terms of legislation and practice, that should be undertaken (Para. 135) In order to meet this objective the Second Annual International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights under the leadership of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS along with their cosponsors (hereafter, UNAIDS)2 was held in Geneva from 23 to 25 September of 1996 to finalise guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. Secondly, the members upon acceptance of the final form of the guidelines set out recommendations to ensure the guidelines are disseminated and implemented by all UN intergovernmental bodies, nations and non-government agencies. The basic human rights guiding principles as established by the UN with regard to HIV/AID are contained in Appendix A on page 26. Several of the principles are of specific interest with regard to the current research topic. One of these guiding principles is the 'Right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications.' In this principle the UN recognises that every person regardless of where they live is entitled to quality health care, current treatment methods, preventative supplies, counselling and testing. They further acknowledged that third world and emerging nations do not necessarily have the means, resources and funding necessary to accomplish this. To that end, they spell out the need to supply within countries and between nations the fundamental supplies and resources for this to occur. This is further emphasised in principle 14 which more expressly states that "International support, from both the public and private sectors, for developing countries for

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Toys and Games Industrys Response to Globalazation Essay - 1

The Toys and Games Industrys Response to Globalazation - Essay Example The strategies used by this industry to effect globalization include a comprehensive marketing and online-selling of its products. This aspect enables the company to access many customers from diverse backgrounds of culture, race, beliefs and religion. According to Baker (2011, 82), the industry’s products and services get an international recognition and much revenue. Moreover, the management in the Toys and Games industry has learnt new management strategies through the recent access to large volumes of data. The access to volumes of data is a recent occurrence, which has greatly globalized many aspects of business (Butler, 2008, 41). For instance, the access to bid data has enabled the Toys and Games industry to gather crucial information with regard to global performance trends in various sectors and product lines. Mayer (2013, 46) asserts that new methods of product differentiation and diversification have been learnt after the acquisition of bid sets of data from a globa l platform. The big information has culminated in the restructuring of organizational structure for efficiency and effectiveness in the Toys and Games industry operations. According to Cerra (2012, 34), the big data have led to the realization of new ways of achieving global customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and total quality management within the Toys and Games industry. These principles are critical in the thriving of the industry. In the case of transportation of commodities, there is the use of sensors on trucks in order to streamline the delivery of goods through shipping. This contains the problem of stock-out cost and machine overhaul cost. The massive data have also helped the manufactures in tracking the trend of customer preference and taste (Gill, 2010, 56).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

Personal Statement Example inance is to develop advanced mathematical knowledge and skills that will help me provide innovative solutions to the multifaceted economic problems in China. My interest in economics and finance bolstered during my junior year. I played with simulated stocks programs and discovered my proficiency in and enthusiasm for it. After completing my Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration and majoring in economics and finance, I found myself driven to work in the field of investments. I want to seek employment in an investment bank and serve as an investment banker. I see myself advising clients on high level issues of financial management, where I can recommend and carry out strategies of mergers and acquisitions and handle stock strategies for public selling. Most of all, I want to use my advanced finance and economics competencies to address poverty in China. I will use my graduate studies to research on financial and economic analysis and planning that will soon help me contribute to programs that can enable China to attain a more equitable distribution of wealth. I want to carve another milestone, where after acquiring my Master’s in Finance, I can help develop strategies for poverty alleviation measures. I want to integrate the Chinese rural poor into the world market, where they can tap diverse opportunities for growth. Your program will empower me to achieve my dreams, so that I can spread empowerment to others

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Health Promotion is the process of motivating people and empowering communities to adapt lifestyle and behavioural changes to improve their health. This process involves various interventions to reach individuals, high-risk groups, communities, health sectors and law makers to engage in adapting behaviours relative to improved health and wellness. Disease Prevention concentrates on ways or strategies to lessen the risk of growing continual illnesses and other incidence of morbidities. It consists of different levels of prevention that involves measures to eradicate diseases, diagnose diseases, learn the causal factors and signs to look after, treatment, rehabilitation and reduction of disability to live a normal lifestyle as possible. Health promotion and disease prevention addresses different health determinants (personal, social, environmental, economic factors) that affect health status which changes manageable risk behaviours. There are different approaches for health promotion that aims to improve health by bringing change in an individuals health perspective and that of the community. These are: 1) Medical, 2) Lifestyle Behavioural, 3) Social/Political 4) Environmental, 5) Educational Empowerment. An attempt to change health perspective amongst individual is by communicating messages that is relevant to them. For a positive change to arise, people should understand why an area of concern is significant and that the practices different from their current ones need to be pursued. I. Initiatives for Disease Prevention (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Prevention) Primary Prevention It focuses on preventing the onset of the diseases. That means minimizing exposure to hazards and increase immunity/resistance to diseases that can affect an individuals health. Of all the disease prevention levels, primary prevention targets larger populations. Example: Health campaigns, encouraging children with regular tooth brushing to avoid tooth decay, improving physical activities, mass media campaigns. Increasing knowledge through education. Promote lifestyle changes. Mandating health policies (use of personal protective equipment, no smoking, liquor ban). Immunization programs. Health programs for high-risk groups (Maori, youth, children under five years, non-immune migrants). Handwashing to avoid contamination. Secondary Prevention/Early Detection It aims to detect diseases before any manifestations and early treatment to control the progress of the disease. Hence, reduce complications and preventing relapse. Interventions include early diagnosis through screening and teaching people early signs of disease and what symptoms to watch for. Example: Regular GP visits, routine blood sugar monitoring, screening tests (Pap Smear, Newborn Screening, HIV, Blood tests, Colonoscopy, Mammography), chemoprophylaxis to prevent infection (administering antibiotics) Tertiary Prevention It is concerned on rehabilitation and reduce disability for re/irreversible conditions and late stage diseases. The goal of tertiary prevention is to improve a persons quality of life, providing comfort, and reduce suffering. Example: Physical therapy, Cardiac rehabilitation following heart surgery (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), stroke rehabilitation, follow-up examinations to identify metastasis, support groups, hospice care, palliative care. Continuous research for better treatment. II. Initiatives for Health Promotion Approaches (Medical, Lifestyle Behavioural, Social/Political, Environmental, Educational Empowerment) Lifestyle Behavioural Approach It aims to influence high risk people of developing sedentary lifestyle to adapt healthy lifestyle to improve health. This approach implies that each individual is responsible for their health. Example: Health promotions about proper nutrition, adequate rest, increase physical activity. Smoking and substance cessation programs. Mass media campaigns. Community centres providing various physical activity programs open to locals Educational Empowerment Approach It provides people thorough information and hones their decision making skills to choose healthy living. With greater understanding of importance of health comes change in attitude followed by a change in behavior. Example: Providing education material of cause and effects of health behaviours, counseling, group discussions, health related videos, health promotion in school setting Social/Political Approach It targets group of people or community rather than individuals. It requires support from the policy makers to formulate and implement policies to promote health. The commitment of the government to promote health policies will engage the people in the implementation of the said policies. Example: No smoking policy in public areas, within school, hospital, and work premises. Increasing tax on cigarettes/tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Anti-smoking media advertisements. Designate areas where cigarettes can be sold and a policy against sales to minors. Government subsidies on Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Food labels on imported products. The need for GP prescription for access on use of certain medications. Conclusion Disease prevention compliments health promotion efforts. Prevention is more efficient and cost effective rather than treatment. Health promotion provides people increase knowledge and understanding of the significance of taking control over their health to improve wellness. When diseases are prevented, it results to prolonged longevity of life. There will be increase independence with care, less reliance to long-term treatment, less hospitalization which means less healthcare expenditure. By choosing to address on the underlying health determinants the health problems can be lessened. Morbidity and mortality can be minimized by modifying risk factors. There is a link between people and its environment, working together as a society has a greater impact on health. Health promotion is a shared responsibility to contribute on health changes to live a purposeful and enjoyable life for everyone. REFERENCES Whoint. (2017). World Health Organization. Retrieved25 January, 2017, from http://www.who.int/topics/health_promotion/en/ Ruralhealthinfoorg. (2017). Ruralhealthinfoorg. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/community-health/health-promotion/1/definition Iwhonca. (2017). Iwhonca. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from https://www.iwh.on.ca/wrmb/primary-secondary-and-tertiary-prevention Afmcca. (2017). Afmcca. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from http://phprimer.afmc.ca/Part1-TheoryThinkingAboutHealth/Chapter4BasicConceptsInPreventionSurveillanceAndHealthPromotion/Thestagesofprevention Uottawaca. (2017). Uottawaca. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from https://www.med.uottawa.ca/sim/data/Prevention_e.htm Vincesalibacom. (2017). Vincesalibacom. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from http://vincesaliba.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/02_Approaches_to_Health_Promotion.22350043.pdf Slidesharenet. (2017). Slidesharenet. Retrieved 25 January, 2017, from http://www.slideshare.net/snaptite/strategies-for-promoting-health

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Life according to me :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My Life According to Me   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My name is Biff Loman. I had a very confusing life, now that I look back upon it. My mother, Linda was a very loving and caring person. And I have a brother, Happy also; he is a very entertaining guy. But then we have my father, Willy. Willy always had these preconceived notions about how I was going to live my life, and how I was going to be one day. I used to try and try to work at different organizations, but Willy had already poisoned my mind, by basically telling me that I was too good for that. He in essence thought that I should have skipped the small stuff and gone right to the top. But as I’m more aware of now, that’s not how life is. But because of him every job I went to I thought I was â€Å"too good† for, when really all I had to do was give it my all and work my way up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is also how I felt about woman for a while too. I thought that I was too good for her and I would eventually move on and be even unhappy than I was before because I really just wanted a good relationship, with someone but because of my father I had a hard time giving of myself, because he kind of taught me to be more so self involved. But then I found my wife, Elizabeth. She was the one who taught me finally that life was not always about what you want, but you have to learn to love to love. And that was a very useful lesson for me to finally learn at this time. Elizabeth and I have two amazing children, Nadia and Ethan. What I have tried to do with my children is teach them that on one hand you have to have big aspirations to have big things happen in your life, and to never short change yourself, and this is something that I got from my father, Willy and I tell them that. But what I also try to instill in them is that you have to start off small to have big things happen you can’t expect big things happen right away, because I feel that this is something that I learned the hard way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now I work at an agency in Boston, I’m not the top executive yet, but I know with a little more hard work and time that in time I will come to the top.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Be able to prepare to provide support for eating and drinking Essay

Identify the level and type of support an individual requires when eating and drinking I should always check the individuals care plan to establish the level of support required by the individual when eating and drinking. I should also ask colleagues, the individual’s family, friends and the individual if they would like help and how they would like me to help. I must ensure I’m not imposing a level of support which suits me or my organisation rather than the individual. I should provide the minimum of support possible in order for the task to be accomplished regardless of how long this will take or the mess the individual may make. I may need to support individuals to prepare for meal time with things such as protective clothing. I should check if they need support with positioning to ensure they are comfortable whilst eating and drinking. It may be that the individual is able to feed themselves, if provided with the correct equipment to do so. By providing the individual with the correct equipment I’m providing active support and ensuring that I’m supporting them in a way that helps the individual maintain their independence There is specially adapted cutlery available for individuals who may have arthritic fingers, where they are not able to grip conventional cutlery. An individual suffering with dementia may need to be prompted to eat at regular intervals. The individual may be sight impaired making it difficult to eat independently. An individual suffering with dysphagia and have difficulty swallowing. They would require their food to be pureed or may need to be fed via P.E.G. tube. Some indiv iduals may need to be fed if they do not have the use of their hands. There are many different levels and types of support depending on the individuals circumstances. Demonstrate effective hand-washing and use of protective clothing when handling food and drink Support the individual to prepare to eat and drink, in a way that meets  their personal needs and preferences The individual may require protective coverings such as an apron to protect their clothing from stains from dropped food or drink and napkins to wipe themselves if necessary.I should provide individuals with the opportunity to use the toilet and wash their hands prior to their meal. An important aid to eating is an individual’s dentures. They should be available and also well fitting. They may have religious activities they wish to carry out prior to their meal such as praying, washing themselves or giving thanks. Provide suitable utensils to assist the individual to eat and drink. Ordinary cutlery can be too heavy to hold or too difficult to grip for some individuals and particularly those with arthritic hands. There is a wide range of specialist cutlery available to allow individuals to remain as independent as possible and manage eating and drinking with minimal assistance. Some of which is listed below: Types of utensil Purpose Angled cutlery For some people who finds it difficult to bring a fork or spoon at right angles to the mouth Easy grip handled spoon and fork For an individual who finds it difficult to grip cutlery. Plate guard If an individual is likely to shuffle food off the plate, the plate guard would stop food from escaping Melamine cups, plates and bowls, two handled drinking cups with a flexible plastic straw To avoid breakages if an individual is prone to dropping things For people with hand tremors Cups with a spout Very efficient if I need to avoid spillages Special plates with hot water compartment at the base Feeding cup Non slip tray with handle Gadget to remove lids from jars/bottles To keep food warm while individuals eat their food, useful if they normally take long to eat. This will reduce the rate at which the food gets cold. Avoids spills – liquid at the bottom is drank first so ensure no tea leaves. For those with use of only one arm, to carry several items at once Aids individuals with weak hands

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modern Life of Computers

The computer has changed the modern lives of many. It is very common for a household to at least have one computer. In addition, computers are essential tools that help ease daily life. Also, computer comes in Various sizes and has many different types of applications. Computers can affect ones daily tasks, finances, and time. To begin with, computers can change ones daily tasks. Programs can do various functions and ease the process of doing it manually without a computer. For instance, a student may finish most of their assignments online with more accurate answers. In fact, there is a well known program called,† Microsoft Word,† that actually corrects many grammatical errors such as punctuations, capitalization, and the most common sentence fragments. Thus, ones essay or report can be done at home, which is more convenient. Since there is a program like the one mentioned it actually reduces errors and makes ones daily task much easier. Finances can be very difficult without any tools, but when you have access to a computer you can do it virtually online without having to go through the hassle of filling out paperwork and using stamps. For example, one may pay their bills online with a credit card in a few clicks. Usually a bill would have the option for the customer to go through their webpage and log in to their account. After, the customer would then go through a process in which he or she would enter the confidential information into the website which would then make the transaction successful. Next, he or she would have the chance to look at the account balance and statement which would then show the mathematics without actually having to go through a calculator. Using a computer to do finances is a very beneficial way for the consumer and the service provider. Computers can dramatically decrease the amount of time necessary to get the job done. For example, it may take a person five hours to finish their shopping needs excluding the time to get to the destination and the time to get back home, but if the person shops online the item may be a click away and be at the door within a few days. In order for a person to shop online they would need to have a credit card and be able to confirm their address. Next, he or she would then go to a reliable website and purchase the items desired for the cheapest amount possible with a few clicks, beats going to the mall for hours and not getting what you desire. As mentioned before, one may pay the bills online which saves time for the mail carrier to actually ship the documentations the destination. This is very beneficial if your bills are on the verge of being late. Finally, having a computer is a very spectacular tool that has many functions that can change the way a person lives. In almost every way the computer is a very beneficial electronic device to have. The computers affected many by reducing daily task, changing the perspective of finances, and decrease the amount of time a person would need to spend.