Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critically assess the role of the UN in the protection of human rights Essay

Critically assess the role of the UN in the protection of human rights with regards to the AIDS epidemic in subsaharan Africa - Essay Example The CHR's request was based on the Secretary General's statement during the 51st session of the UN in which he stated: of the complex relationship between the public health rationale and the human rights rationale of HIV/AIDS. In particular, Governments could benefit from guidelines that outline clearly how human rights standards apply in the area of HIV/AIDS and indicate concrete and specific measures, both in terms of legislation and practice, that should be undertaken (Para. 135) In order to meet this objective the Second Annual International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights under the leadership of United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS along with their cosponsors (hereafter, UNAIDS)2 was held in Geneva from 23 to 25 September of 1996 to finalise guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. Secondly, the members upon acceptance of the final form of the guidelines set out recommendations to ensure the guidelines are disseminated and implemented by all UN intergovernmental bodies, nations and non-government agencies. The basic human rights guiding principles as established by the UN with regard to HIV/AID are contained in Appendix A on page 26. Several of the principles are of specific interest with regard to the current research topic. One of these guiding principles is the 'Right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications.' In this principle the UN recognises that every person regardless of where they live is entitled to quality health care, current treatment methods, preventative supplies, counselling and testing. They further acknowledged that third world and emerging nations do not necessarily have the means, resources and funding necessary to accomplish this. To that end, they spell out the need to supply within countries and between nations the fundamental supplies and resources for this to occur. This is further emphasised in principle 14 which more expressly states that "International support, from both the public and private sectors, for developing countries for

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